In recognition of the role facilities play in quality child care, PAACT: Promise All Atlanta Children Thrive is offering Atlanta-based child care providers the opportunity to apply for a PAACT Repair and Renovation Grant of up to $75,000. Programs must be located in the City of Atlanta to qualify. You can check your address on to confirm that you are located in the City. The deadline to apply is July 28, 2023.

Led by GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students, PAACT, is a city-wide alliance of public and private partners collaborating to improve learning, health, and well-being outcomes for Atlanta’s youngest children and their families. In 2020, PAACT and its partners established the PAACT Fund for Quality, which includes the PAACT Repair and Renovation Grant, to support child care providers and families in the Atlanta area. 

This year, PAACT, the City of Atlanta, Reinvestment Fund, and Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) have joined forces to support Atlanta’s early care and learning programs by providing funding to improve the quality of their facilities. This is a grant and not a loan.

Eligible child care providers are invited to apply to receive grant funding to repair or improve their facilities. For example, you could choose to repurpose existing space, address licensing issues, enhance outdoor play space, or remediate health and safety concerns.

PAACT hosted a webinar for providers on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, to provide an overview and answer any questions. Watch the replay video below.

Click here to view and download slides from the video. 

Along with our partners, we’re grateful to the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta for their support on this project, as well as the City of Atlanta and Mayor Dickens for their support and the allocation of resources towards the PAACT Repair and Renovation Grant.

Applications are now closed. 

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