Strolling Thunder 2020
On Monday, January 27, 2020, GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students, in partnership with ZERO TO THREE, will bring babies and parents from around Georgia to meet their elected officials during Strolling Thunder.
We’re coming together for advocacy training, Capitol visits, and roundtable discussions so families can tell their stories about the joys and challenges of raising infants and toddlers in Georgia. We want Georgia’s leadership to Think Babies—for stronger families, vibrant communities, and a prosperous state.
During this fun-filled day, we will have breakfast, advocacy training, visits with our legislators at the Capitol, lunch, giveaways, a photo booth, and more! Your infants and toddlers are invited to attend this event with you.
Families that attend for the entire event will receive a gift card for participation. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided.
View the Strolling Thunder 2019 video recap, here.
Monday, January 27, 2020
8:00AM – 1:00PM
Central Presbyterian Church
201 Washington St. SW.
Atlanta, GA 30303
To RSVP, click here.
For Families with children ages 0-3:
We’re pushing strollers to put babies in the spotlight. Bring your infants and toddlers to this baby-friendly advocacy event. You’ll have the opportunity to speak with other families and gain training on how to speak to your legislators about policies that could improve the lives of your infant or toddler. Never talked to a legislator before? Don’t worry! We’ll help you practice before the Capitol visits.
For State, County, and City Officials:
Join babies and parents from across the region for a brunch at the Freight Depot to show your appreciation for what they do as parents and caregivers. You’ll participate in roundtable discussions to hear about the everyday joys and challenges from families with young children and discuss potential solutions to support young children. After brunch we will stroll on to the State Capitol for a group photo at the end of the event.
View and download photos from the event below.