Gwinnett Family Listening Session: Raising Infants & Toddlers

GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students invites you to join us for a Family Listening Session in Gwinnett County. We’re coming together for roundtable discussions so families can tell their stories about the joys and challenges of raising infants and toddlers in Gwinnett County. We want Georgia’s leadership to Think Babies—for stronger families, vibrant communities, and a prosperous state.


This event is only for families with children ages 0-3:

The science is clear that our brains grow faster between the ages of 0 and 3 than at any later point in our lives. When babies don’t get what their growing brains need during this crucial time, it can lead to life-long developmental, educational, social, and health challenges.

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018
7:00 pm – 8:00pm
Central Gwinnett High School (Cafeteria)

Seating is limited, dinner will be provided, and an RSVP is required to attend.

Register here


Funding partners for Think Babies include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which supports the campaign’s public education aspects, and the Perigee Fund, which supports the campaign’s public education and advocacy aspects. Funding for our infant and toddler initiatives is also provided by the Alliance for Early Success.