America’s Paid Leave Crisis and the Cost of Doing Nothing: Film Screening & Discussion

At some point in their lives, nearly every working person will welcome a new child, deal with their own serious health issue, or need to provide care to a seriously ill, injured or disabled loved one. Despite this, America has no paid family leave policy. In one of the richest nations in the world, having a baby, a medical emergency or an aging parent can lead to job loss and poverty.
The COVID-19 pandemic has only underscored the critical importance of paid leave. ZERO WEEKS provides a powerful pre-pandemic snapshot of paid family leave’s impact on American families, employers, and communities.
GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students and 9to5 Georgia invite you to join us for a screening and panel discussion on paid leave. Policymakers, business leaders, families, as well as early care, health, and senior care professionals are encouraged to join us for this important conversation.
View the trailer and learn more by visiting:
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