A game about the powerful role of relationships on early brain development.


GEEARS facilitates the Brain Architecture Game for businesses, nonprofit organizations, advisory boards, community leaders, teachers, and others. This hands-on activity is the perfect way to provide a tangible representation of the importance of healthy brain development during early childhood.

The Brain Architecture Game’s intellectual property belongs to a not-for-profit partnership between:

The Brain Architecture Game is a tabletop game experience that builds understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development – what promotes it, what derails it, with what consequences for society.

The goal is to build a brain that is as tall as possible, which represents functionality, and as sturdy as possible, which represents the ability to withstand stresses. Groups of four to six players work together, drawing Life Experience cards to gain materials for brain building.

Positive experiences earn a pipe cleaner and a straw for support. Negative experiences? Pipe cleaner, but no straw. After the initial period of early childhood brain development, weights must be hung from the structure of the brain when life hands out stressors. Will the foundation withstand these weights, or will it collapse? Afterward, groups use the notes in their Life Journals to discuss the experiences that strengthened, or weakened, the architecture of their developing brains.

The game is a 75-90 minute experience optimized for groups of 4-6 people per table. It can be played in small workshops, conferences, and large events, with as few as 8, or as many as 300 participants.


“The brain architecture game helps people appreciate the impact of early childhood experiences on outcomes across the lifespan.”


Smaller groups (less than 15 people) are encouraged to visit the website for instructions and materials to facilitate on their own. 

GEEARS is available to facilitate a limited number Brain Architecture Games for larger groups (20 or more people) each month.

If you are interested in having us facilitate the Brain Architecture game for your group, please complete the form below:


Brain Architecture Game Request

The game takes approximately 90 minutes to fully play, but we can offer a short version that takes 60 mins.
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