A new bill proposed in Congress would create historic change for families of young children. The bill currently includes significant investments in early childhood education, health care, and supports for familiesthat would collectively have long-lasting, multi-generational impacts.


Current provisions include: 

Child care costs for younger children capped at 7% of family income for an estimated 9 out of 10 American families.
Free, high-quality universal preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds, with flexibility for parents to choose setting.

Extension of the expanded child tax credit, which features $300 monthly payments for children under age 6.
Increased access to affordable health care for millions of working parents, especially in Georgia and across the South.

Expansion of rental and down payment assistance.

To see more details on the proposal, click here.


Interested in taking action? Go to the Child Care Can’t Wait home page to learn more about how you can use your voice to support this once-in-a-generation opportunity.