The Leadership Academy for Better Brains (LABB) serves as an umbrella initiative for convening emerging leaders, providing training and support, and continuing our public education efforts. The initiatives that fall under the LABB offer innovative opportunities for GEEARS to convene and engage community members through collaborative methods to make our vision a reality. Learn more about those four initiatives below.

Conversations on Early Childhood (Speaker Series)

Through this speaker series, GEEARS hopes to foster deep and deliberative discussions of the issues among academics, policymakers, advocates, civic leaders, providers and the business community.

Early Childhood Education Bus Journey

The GEEARS Early Childhood Education Bus Journey is a multi-day event intended to expose constituents and policymakers to innovative early childhood education interventions throughout the state of Georgia.

Community Screening Series

GEEARS is offering a community film screening opportunity for organizations and groups interested in fostering deep and deliberative discussions on early childhood.

GEEARS Preschool to Third Grade Leaders Fellowship

LABB facilitates joint training opportunities for birth to five early education program directors and elementary school leaders to allow them to collaborate and learn about child development together.

If you have questions about LABB, please contact LABB Project Manager, Greg Barrett, at